Solving for temperatures of interior nodes for 2-D convection, steady-state, constant properties, and heat generation.
Problem Statement:
Consider steady two-dimensional heat transfer in a long solid body whose cross section is given in the figure. The measured temperatures at selected points of the outer surfaces are as shown. The thermal conductivity of the body is k = 2 W/m • °C and there is a uniform heat generation of 3000 W/m3. The dimension of the solid body is 1.5m x 1m. Using the finite difference method with a mesh size of Δx = Δy = 10.0 cm.
Write a computer code to solve for temperatures of interior nodes.
Determine the temperature of all interior nodes.
Present the temperature values in a Table. Plot a contour plot for the temperatures of the domain.
Heat-Transfer-Project-GhannamiMATLAB Code:
% Numerical 2-D Steady Heat Transfer
% Given
k = 2; % in W/mC
h = 70; % on W/m2
T_surf = 25; % in C
q_gen = 3000; % in W/m3
q_flux = 50; % in W/m2 (Plane with uniform heat flux)
T_inf = 25; % in C
dim = [1.5 1]; % in m
dx = 0.1; % in m
dy = dx; % in m
% Grid Generation (Domain & Step)
m = (dim(2)/dx) + 1;
n = (dim(1)/dy) + 1;
temp = zeros(m,n);
temp(:,1) = T_surf;
temp(1,:) = T_surf;
for iterations = 1:5000
% Top and Bottom Right Corners, Bottom-Left
temp(1,end) = 25; % Top-Right corner
temp(end,end) = (temp(end,end-1) + temp(end-1,end) + q_flux*dx/k + (q_gen/2)...
*dx^2/2 + T_inf*h*dx/k)/(2 + h*dx/k); % Bottom-Right corner
temp(end,1) = 25; % Bottom-Left corner
% Bottom Wall
for j = 2:n-1
temp(end,j) = (2*temp(end-1,j) + temp(end,j-1) + temp(end,j+1) + 2 ...
*q_flux*dx/k+(q_gen/2)*dx^2)/4; % Bottom wall
% Right Wall
for i = 2:(m-1)
*T_inf/k+(q_gen/2)*dx^2)/(2*((h*dx/k)+2)); % Right wall
% Interior Nodes
for i=2:(m-1)
for j= 2:(n-1)
temp(i,j) = ( temp(i-1,j) + temp(i+1,j) + temp(i,j-1) + temp(i,j+1) ...
+ ((q_gen/2)*dx^2))/4; % interior
% Graph for the temperature distribution
rev = temp;
w = linspace(0,dim(1),n);
h = linspace(0,dim(2),m);
for i=1:m
for j= 1:n
temp(i,j) = rev(m-i+1,j);
shading interp
title('Temperature (Steady State)')
xlabel('x - domain')
ylabel('y - domain')
c = colorbar;
% Nodal Network Tabulated
format short
rev = round(rev,3,'significant');
Table = array2table(rev,'VariableNames',{'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8'...
% n.b. the full Table is not visible via PDF, only visible in the code.